How much of our environment shapes us into who we are?
I wonder this lately...
When exactly did the sound of the loons calling on the lake become part of each of their being? For G, was it as her father held her up to the trees in the evenings...the only thing that would ease her colic?. Were these the sounds she heard and felt soothed by? Or, was it the smell of the pine pitch that so densely fills the air on humid summer nights?
For our 8 year old, what was he thinking and feeling as he stared into the tops of the trees for long, mindful minutes as a baby and young toddler. He would stand on the deck and just stare up into the towering pines...the wind moving softly...specifically the great pine as they all call it now. A massive tower of age this beauty is.
Our 14 year old...the feel and freedom a lake can bring. The exuberance of diving in mid April with ice still floating around him; rough dirt paths under his bike, small 'jumps' created by large rocks in the road...the crisp smell of cold air and pine as he sledded down the back hill in winter...
Even our four year old with the least time here under her belt and more ready for the adventure of moving than the rest are. Her days were often spent digging, forcing fistfuls of soil into her hands and *feeling* it...sometimes tasting it as if she couldn't experience it enough. The land itself becoming part of her...later, climbing rocks that are taller than she is....summer days spent experiencing weightlessness as she floated in the shallows of the pond.
In this place we call home reside these forces that I believe, have shaped them. If we leave, what will leave with us and what will forever stay behind, lost...never fully developed... this is what I wonder. Years later, will their souls sing a little truer when met with the scent of fresh pine, a dive into cold water, the call of a loon or the feel and smell of woodland soil. What will these experiences recall for them... What will a new place give them...replace what is left here? All of these thoughts whirl and collide when I consider our new home...wherever that may be.