Maybe if I do this again, I'll choose not to be pregnant...yes?
Not exactly one of those petite preggos (I tend to carry large ;) I'm waddling around at 6 months with a 9 month girth. Slowly...slowly moving along ;)
Loving our new place though. So very, very grateful and falling in love. This was not love at first sight so it's special in that kind of way. Rather than waning, this love just keeps waxing and growing....
Just as I feel fond, but a little odd going back to our old home to pack boxes and clear things feels odd to come back to this blog space and try to write ...'we are not in the hollow anymore, Toto' and writing about happenings in our new home in this blog seems....awkward...
So we are transitioning... if you have followed along here, please feel free to join me with a cup of tea over at our new space where there will be plenty to, crafting, and some surprises. Here's your invitation! :
Now the word "farm" is assuredly stretching it...still, there will be chickens, (eggs!), gardening and plans for a stand with handcrafted goodness and yummy treats. Along with the bits of homeschooling and other adventures along the way ~would love to see you stop by ~